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Buddy is a flirt. And maybe a vampire. He’ll capture your attention with chirps and mews, and at snuggle time, he’ll suckle on your ear while making biscuits on your face and neck. All while purring at full volume. No blood has been drawn, so maybe he’s a vegan vampire. He's shy at first, like a total Edward. But once he warms up to you... well, he's still an Edward.
Buddy is ready to chill in your chill home, preferably with one of his current adoptable housemates by his side.
Sex: Male (neutered)
Estimated birthday: April 2024
Color: Tuxedo Tabby
Up-to-date on all vaccines
Additional Information
Buddy is part of the "Yuletide Kittens" group. These kittens are from a mixed litter and were found dumped next to a major road in our county. Local county animal control found them, but all were very sick with upper respiratory infections, with one needing to be humanely euthanized at the emergency vet. We took them in since we had more resources to devote to their care, and it’s been a slow but successful recovery.
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